Four Tips To Select a Stellar Business Name

At DomainBroker, we love entrepreneurs, and we want to see them experience success. If you’re here because you’re prepping to start a business of your own, you’ve landed in the right place! We’re going to begin today’s post by listing some of the things you need to start a successful business.

When you’re building a business, cash is a top priority. You’ll also need a location, a workforce and a plan. Can you think of any other entrepreneurial must-haves? What about a name?

It might seem obvious that your company needs a name. Many entrepreneurs don’t realize how important their business’s name (and domain name) is to their success.

These days, we use business names and domain names interchangeably. They are a valuable piece of your marketing strategy, which is why they sometimes come with a higher-than-expected price tag attached.

Characteristics of an Effective Domain Name

If you’re going to pay for a domain name, you might as well get it right! Here are four specific things to consider as you are dreaming up the best name for your business:

  • Leave a lasting impression.
    Potential customers can’t buy your goods or use your services if they can’t remember your name! Your company name, and thus your domain name, need to be memorable. Focus on a catchy, brief, easy-to-say and easy-to-spell name to snag more traffic on your website.
  • Keep it short and sweet.
    Short business names are easier to remember. Your potential customers are also more likely to spell shorter names correctly, which is important if they are trying to find you on the internet.
  • Use industry-relevant keywords.
    If you incorporate the right keywords into your business’s name, potential clients who don’t know that you exist are more likely to find you on the web. This tip is especially important if you’re just starting out and your brand name is unfamiliar to the masses.
  • Target your clients’ location.
    If you have no intentions of ever expanding your company beyond a particular region, include a keyword that refers to that region in your domain name. If you have dreams of becoming a national (or international!) company, avoid region-specific terms.

Deciding on a name for your business is more complicated than you thought, isn’t it? Don’t worry! Contact DomainBroker today to learn more about available domain names that will draw attention to your company.

Contact us at (800) 683-9010 or email us here for more information.